We, the Sisters of the Presentation and our associates, dedicate our lives to God through evangelization, prayer, service and hospitality. Our way of life is based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.News & Events
Beginning on November 13, 2024, our Presentation community celebrates the 150th anniversary of our foundation in Dubuque. This significant milestone celebrates “150 Years of Tending the Light” – offering unwavering faith, dedicated service and a deep commitment to peace and justice, with special emphasis on serving women and children.
In these tumultuous times, let us stand in solidarity with our immigrant and refugee brothers and sisters as we advocate for comprehensive immigration reform that provides a reasonable path to citizenship.
In our Winter issue of Presentation Doorways, we highlight the various ways we continue to uphold our storied history and to honor Nano Nagle’s legacy by addressing challenges in our world today. As we celebrate our 150th anniversary, we continue to tend the light with deep compassion, resilience and an unwavering commitment to women and children, social justice and care of Earth, believing God’s spirit is always guiding us along the way.
December 15, 2024
Join us for a time of prayer and reflection on December 15 as we respond like Mary, with a listening heart.
We honor and give thanks for the lives and ministries of Sisters Marian (Mary St. Jude) Sweeney and Dolores Zieser who celebrated their 75th jubilee on December 5, 2024. These two extraordinary witnesses of endurance, grace and dedication have been a blessing for many.
Our Ministry
Use our interactive map to learn more about our sisters who serve in various ministries
in eight states in the U.S. and in Bolivia